Contact: Expires: 2024-01-01T00:40:00.000Z Acknowledgments: Preferred-Languages: fr, en Known vulnerability : * The IA can be tricked to put an xss payload into the vulnerability report. * A very specific RCE. (2d4578f2cd66a65ab9902b5954fc8ad2) Rewarded vulnerabilities: * $1000 : First blood RCE. (except for 2d4578f2cd66a65ab9902b5954fc8ad2) Arbitrary file read and file write does't count as RCE, you need to have a POC with an active shell. * $500 : A known RCE. The hash description of this vuln is 2d4578f2cd66a65ab9902b5954fc8ad2. You will still be paid if you find this very specific RCE. * $500 : Second blood RCE. * $300 : DOS - DOS of service. (But not DDOS) * $300 : Anything that can leak the code source is considered critical * $300 : Any vulnerability with a POC and a critical impact will be rewarded * $200 : captcha bypass * $100 : XSS on main domain * $100 : there is one sepcific DOS that we know about, but if you find it you will still receive $100 :) Have fun bro and don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. * * * <- less consulted